Monday, April 7, 2008

Council Meetings: Information not available on website

A reminder that the council's first Planning & Development Standing Committee meeting will be held on Wednesday April 9, 9.30am at the Maryborough Council Chambers.
I am publishing this information to remind readers because it is not currently available on the Fraser Coast Regional Council's web site.

Not good enough. The only thing loaded on the site is the Post Election Meeting which took place on April 2, and the agenda for that meeting. Information after the fact is of little use. In the interests of democracy why can't council list the meetings before they happen together with the agenda? If an agenda was available prior to the meeting, interested ratepayers would know when an issue of interest was coming up and attend that particular meeting.

Committee and Council meetings are open to the public, provided of course they know when and where. It was decided at the April 2 meeting that Council meetings would be held on the first and third Wednesday of each month and the Planning & Development Standing Committee on the second Wednesday of the month, rotating between Maryborough and Hervey Bay Council Chambers. How difficult could it be to load that information onto the council's website?


Anonymous said...

Don't expect to hear too much from this new council, especially about the current sweep through the Fraser Coast by officers of the Crime and Misconduct Commission.
The officers have been conducting interviews of past and present Hervey Bay City Council staff and councillors with their questions centring on the activities of David Dalgleish and Bob Campbell.
I don't know what they were asking but the whisper is that it concerns something quite serious.
Could a by-election be looming?

Editor, BecT said...

I will investigate these concerns via the Crime and Misconduct Commission and advise readers of their voracity or otherwise.