Saturday, April 12, 2008

Email comment

Water finds its own level
Once upon a time, in the car park adjacent to the Hervey Bay RSL and behind Pialba Place, there used to be a sign (it could still be there), which said "Warning, car park subject to flooding"! This was at ground level. Extensions to Pialba Place now have an underground car park! There are a number of new buildings in our city that now boast an underground car park. In most if not all cases, the car park is below sea level!!

Rumour has it that one of the first underground car parks on The Esplanade flooded prior to Christmas. If true this has been kept very quiet! One has to ask why?

If an underground car park floods causing damage to vehicles or loss of life, who is at fault? The owner of the building or the council for allowing the construction? As part of the construction pumps, in many cases, are installed to prevent flooding. But in storm conditions, power can be lost and pumps don't work.

History tells us King Canute once tried to stop the waves, he of course failed and so will we. Water is the hardest thing to keep out. One has to ask, why does our council allow car parks three and four metres below ground?
John A Neve

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